With the current depleted state of resilience and increasing chronic stress across the world, Bertrand Piccard tells Alyson Meister how we can sustain our sense of purpose, strength, and resilience under extreme stress, uncertainty, and pressure to perform.
0:00 🆕 Introduction to Bertrand Piccard
0:56 🥇 Leading with Purpose
3:34 🫡 Key Values: Curiosity, Perseverance, and Respect
6:57 😱 Overcoming the Fear of Failure
9:33 😬 Stress and Achieving the Improbable
13:39 🦠 COVID-19: Resetting our Priorities
15:51 🔮 Developing Spiritual Values
19:54 📈 Helping Others Find Purpose
25:40 🏆 Messages for Future Leaders
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About The Interview series: In conversation with IMD Professors, senior executives and corporate innovators talk about a wide range of topics, such as ethics, leadership, management, and sustainability, while sharing best practices and lessons learned.
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