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The Killer Grand Prix Attack with GM Gawain Jones (FIDE 2650!)

ChessGames 86,121 lượt xem 12 years ago
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The Grand Prix Attack is a very effective sideline for white against the Sicilian Defense, typically generating a very dangerous attack early in the game against black´s king. In the below chess video excerpt from the chess DVD ¨Killer Grand Prix¨ Grandmaster Gawain Jones explains the Grand Prix Attack and how you can start using it to rack up those easy attacking victories with white against the Sicilian Defense while avoiding the immense theory of the main lines. GM Jones is currently the world´s leading expert on the Grand Prix Attack and has used this system to topple many elite grandmasters. Although the basic attacking pattern involving Qe1-h4, f5, Bh6, and Ng5 is very direct - it is still very difficult to defend against! Let´s check out a fine example in the game Jones vs Zartaj where the Grandmaster demonstrates this attacking scheme in practice.

Black responds to the Grand Prix Attack with the 2. ...d6 system and an early kingside fianchetto. This is a dangerous choice and we can see that black´s opening play in this game can definitely be improved. However - white´s attack is highly instructional as he rapidly picks apart black´s defenses. It is very important to emphasize the f5 push by white - even if you have to sacrifice this pawn, it is essential to open up lines against black´s king so you can bring all of your pieces into the attack (especially the dark-squared bishop on c1!) Black was unable to defend himself successfully and fell victim to a brilliant attack by white, involving multiple piece sacrifices that culminated in a decisive advantage.

Learn more about the Grand Prix Attack:
