Tucked away in his headquarters, Brigadier Leonard Parrington stood at the map table, sweat beading on his brow. It was April 28, 1941, and the distant gunfire echoed through the walls, heralding the steady approach of the dreaded German 5th Panzer Division.
The brigadier held in his shaky hands the fate of the allied forces in Greece, but it seemed like there was little real choice left. The orders for surrender were lodged in his throat.
Just then, the door burst open. A wiry New Zealander with red-hot anger in his eyes stormed in. Parrington shuttered at the reproachful glare of Sergeant Jack Hinton, who shouted at his superior: [QUOTE]
"Surrender? Go and jump in the bloody lake!"
Parrington balked at the insubordination. He threatened Hinton with a court martial.
Hinton scoffed and retorted without hesitation, saying: [QUOTE]
"if you're not careful I'll have you court-martialed for talking surrender."
The Kiwi Sergeant stormed out. If the Brigadier didn’t have the stomach to face the Germans, he’d take them on himself.
The Battle of Greece was calling.
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