Edith of Wessex was the last Anglo-Saxon queen, as the wife of Edward the Confessor. While her part in events is overshadowed by the louder and flashier battles, deaths and men who became kings, Edith was a quiet manipulator behind the scenes. She didn't just live through one of the most turbulent times in medieval English history, she shaped it and actively ensured her own place in history, as well as her family's place. This video takes a deeper look at Edith, and explores how her legacy ties directly into the conquest of England in 1066...
For my images and footage, thanks to:
Wikimedia Commons, especially:
Many of my images in this video were made with Midjourney, see if you can spot which ones! Other clips are from iStock or the sources listed above.
I strive to always credit everyone whose images I use, and try as much as possible to use images freely in the public domain (purchased where not possible) - please let me know if I have missed you so I can give you due credit.