Check out the incredible K-12 educational resources from Memoria Press, including curriculum on The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and The Magician's Nephew:
Caspian X was the tenth in a line of Telmarine kings that ruled over Narnia during the Age of the Telmarine Reign. First seen in the Second book of the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, Caspian's story continued on into the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and again in the Silver Chair. The last recorded history of Caspian was in the Last Battle. Caspian's dear friends included Lucy, Peter, Susan and Edmund Pevensie, as well as sir Reepicheep the Mouse. Aslan welcomed Caspian as a true friend of Narnia into Aslan's Country, where we continues to journey further up and further in.
Special thanks to the amazing artists who were featured in this video:
Justin Sweet
Vance Kovacs
Gus Hunter
Cono Madden
JC Barquet
Andrei Purvukhin
Jeremy Paillotin
Music: Witches Brew by C.K. Martin