UPDATE: After asking Youtube to give this video a fair review for monetization they upheld the decision and the minute they did all of the views/engagement fell back to a minimum and the video was no longer getting pushed to anyone. I pointed this out to support and their response was to age restrict this (academic) content to the strictest possible setting. So the most successful thing I've ever done, that was well on it's way to 100k views had it's growth shattered by me asking for a fair review and there is nothing I can do to combat that. If you are seeing this and you enjoyed the video - please consider sharing it somewhere because without that this will be absolutely frozen by the algorithm.
00:32 Intro
01:15 Content Disclaimer
01:59 Section 1 - Foundations
02:01 Real and Unreal
02:28 Timeline of Events
03:32 Aesthetic shifts denote reality/fantasy
05:21 Just a figment of the imagination
08:00 Influences & Intertextuality
09:04 Maritime Masculinity
10:30 Ernest Hemingway
13:28 Section 2 - Psychosexual Degeneration
13:38 The film is obsessed with sex
13:52 Linking the sea and Howard's sexuality
16:05 Howard's Lens
18:21 Howard & Homosexuality
20:00 Shellshocked: Homosexuality & PTSD
22:15 Defining Howard
23:50 Winslow
24:48 Howard acts on fantasy
27:25 Sexuality and the light intertwining meanings
29:22 Howard and Wake's almost kiss
32:20 Real and unreal - Gynocentric fantasy v Phallocentric reality
34:02 Troubling Climax
36:30 The Lighthouse as phallic Imagery
39:20 Section 3 - Of Proteus & Prometheus
39:22 Greek Mythology Intro
41:34 Introducing Proteus
43:37 Introducing Prometheus
47:06 The Natural Order
48:00 A god-fearing man
50:38 "Should pale death, with treble dread"
52:12 Prometheus, Howard & Humanity
55:25 Transgression of station and hierarchy
55:41 Excrement
57:10 Rejection of the gods gifts and recovering from alcoholism
58:00 Toil beats away the doldrums
58:39 Olympus & Visual representations of hierarchy
1:00:00 "Say you like me lobster"
1:01:40 "If I had a steak..."
1:04:00 Olympian/Zeusian Wake
1:06:16 Prometheus rebukes Olympus
1:09:00 Relief in the light
1:11:18 Section 4 - On Madness & Murder
1:11:26 Things to clear up
1:11:30 Wake's madness?
1:13:50 Wake killed Howard's predecessor?
1:15:26 Howard's madness
1:15:49 Winslow's murder
1:17:11 Psycho
1:19:30 END
1:19:31 Closing chatter and extra comments
Many thanks for watching guys!
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