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The lonely, difficult life of a 93-year-old woman in the mountains in winter, Far from Civilization.

Far from Civilization 3,968,778 2 months ago
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In this film we will tell you the incredible story of a 93-year-old woman named Eva, who lives in the mountains in the Carpathians, Ukraine Far from Civilization. This story is evidence of how people can find happiness and peace in simple things and nature, you can see that Eva is spiritually rich and material goods are not important to Eva. This is a true story and at the time of the film's release, Eva's last son died. Eva has iron willpower and she constantly says that movement is life. The video shows that Eva at 93 years old struggles daily, any season does not scare Eva and even fierce cold winters do not stop Eva. This is a unique video shoot and in the 21st century you will not see anything like this, so welcome to the past. So we thank you for your visit and good wishes and subscription to the channel. We believe that there are many good people in the world, regardless of nationality, so we hope to hear many comments from you. Thank you to all the people of the earth for being you. 📌 You can watch with subtitles. The difficult life of a 93-year-old grandmother in the mountains far from civilization. Eva's lonely life in the mountains Far from Civilization. The secret to Eva's happy longevity in a mountain village far from civilization. far from civilization rural life mountain village rural life mountain life Hard life of a 93-year-old grandmother in the mountains far from civilization rural woman village rural lifestyle how people live hard life in the mountains life of a mountain village traditional food homemade butter baking bread life in the village rural lifestyle mountain life mountains hard life rural food rural cuisine rural people Old man traditional life video blogs about village life life of an old man life in a high mountain village village life in Ukraine primitive life one woman in the desert how they live in Ukraine one woman in the mountain woman alone ulengovi yt:cc=on foods around the world rural life in Afghanistan nature natural foods rural channel life of an old couple on top of the mountains village in Ukraine Ukrainian woman old couple lives alone relaxing video old man lives alone far from civilization old grandmother drama old culture rural life videoblog everyday life mountain Cooking village ulengovs cold village nomadism life of rural people rural life retirement village life of an old blind couple rural life of Afghanistan village lifestyle mountain asmr cooking asmr cooking without talking afghan traditional food cooking in a village living alone life in remote villages rural family rural life life of a couple in a village old couple in India living alone how to live alone nomadism fireplace cooking on a fireplace asmr video traditional cooking food asmr relaxing video 4k relaxing nature video Lifestyle life story real people stories rural life rural life lonely grandfather life of mountain villagers life in the most remote villages rural vlog old couple lives in the mountains old women rural village life in Afghanistan everyday village life in Afghanistan old house on top of the mountain lonely couple rural kitchen videoblog rural area vlog lonely grandmother ukrainian village life mountain top everyday life simple life life in the mountains mountain people lives in the mountains primitive life far from any road lover of rural life rural village deaf village primitive documentaries life in the mountains cooking in the mountains traditional rural life old couple lives alone in the mountains lonely old life family life and nature mountain documentary nomadic atmosphere life in nature mountain and rural life natural farming like an old couple in the mountains mountain of old couples in the s nomadic life 2000 year old caves Iranian mountain village living in the mountains historical village rural food woman's daily routine village in the mountains nomadic life in the mountains making fire tea in the mountains mountain valley old village rural girl old lovers living in a cave events of my village caves with 2000 year old archaic hard life in the village #village #documentary #distantcivilizations #rurallife
