A Pikachu and Kirby player descend into madness.
Breaking down the insane backstory behind one of the most infamous and legendary games in Smash, the longest game in Super Smash Bros. history, SuPeRbOoMfAn vs Gerson
Massive thanks to Preston Kwan (The 64 Story), Asumsaus, Darkhorse, Herbert Von Karajan, Motobug, Ludvix, DavidVKimball, the Peruvian 64 scene, and of course, SuPeRbOoMfAn and Gerson for helping make this video possible, much love
My twitter: https://twitter.com/GRsmashYT
Full game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiQp5w-9IAE
Herbert Von Karajan: https://www.youtube.com/@herbertvonkarajan8213
The 64 Story: https://www.youtube.com/@The64Story
Darkhorse: https://www.youtube.com/Thatsadarkhorse
Team Cafil/Kort: https://www.youtube.com/@teamcafil4987 https://twitter.com/KortRedLink
Music list: https://pastebin.com/ayVbxJwZ
Thanks for watching!