The main mistakes when grouting tiles. Remaking Khrushchev from A to Z # 29
Friends, hello everyone!
I am finishing the renovation in the bathroom, the tiling work in the Khrushchev Alteration project has come to an end, the last but very important touch remains - to fill in the joints between the tiles with a grout or grout. In this series, I will not only show you how to properly grout (using the example of cement grout), but also tell you about the main mistakes that are made when grouting. Let's consider additionally how to work with silicone: how to make corners with silicone and silicone the ladder.
Let's consider the main mistakes in the chronology with the implementation of the main stages of work:
1. Preparation of walls for grouting.
2. Kneading mixture for jointing, how to mix the grout correctly.
3. Choosing a tool for work.
4. Grouting or grouting.
5. Washing the grout with a washcloth.
6. Application of silicone in the corners and around the ladder.
Tile in Khrushchev. Part one)
Tile in Khrushchev. Part two)
Music score Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
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Evolution of Khrushchev - all videos of this project See in this playlist:
How to work with silicone correctly? We make a neat seam!
How to work with epoxy grout? All stages. Video tutorial
How to make a quality cement grout?
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