The Malinois X - The New Kid on the Block. Is he set to replace the superior Belgian Malinois and The German Shepherd as the new Super Military Dog? So what is he? He's a cross between these two powerful protection guard dog breeds. He combines the drive & lightness of the Malinois with the brains and superior smelling ability of the German Shepherd. So does simply crossing these two breeds create the super military dog or is there more than meets the eye? Find out in this episode......
Presented by Anneka Svenska
Featuring Ashley Louth
Louth K9:
Instagram @louthk9
YouTube @louthk9
Special appearance from Garret Wing of American Standard Dog Training
YouTube @AmericanStandardK9
Filmed and Edited by Ellen Hope Cobb
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A GreenWorldTV Production
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DISCLAIMER: "The primary purpose of 'Animal Watch' is to inform and educate. 'Animal Watch' is not responsible and does not independently verify for accuracy all of the claims and opinions expressed in the episodes. Episode content does not constitute generic or specific professional advice, endorsement or services. The views, information, or opinions expressed during [the] Animal Watch episodes are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other individual, agency, organisation or company."
#MalinoisX #malinoisxgermanshepherd #malinoiscrossshepherd #belgianmalinois #germanshepherd #militarydogs #protectiondog #guarddog