The man who left us the legacy of Hiroshima – the hidden story behind the Peace Memorial Museum –
2:00-2:55 p.m. Wednesday, August 6, 2014
(Re-run 2:00-2:55 a.m. Thursday, August 7)
The Peace Memorial Museum in Hiroshima City is known both domestically and abroad as an institution that relays the truth about the atomic bombing of HIROSHIMA. It is a “negative legacy” rarely seen in the world that attracts 1.4 million visitors each year. What is little known now, is that this museum was created by the perseverance of one scholar.
1945. Mr. Shogo Nagaoka was teaching geology and mineral science at Hiroshima Bunrika University (now Hiroshima University). He entered Hiroshima City the day after the atomic bomb was dropped. He was shocked at the countless “thorns” that had developed on the surface of the stone lantern at Hiroshima Gokoku Shrine that he had sat down on. Being a stone expert, he immediately realized that this was a special kind of bomb. From then on, he commuted into Hiroshima, now in ruins, tirelessly collecting stones, roof tiles, bottles, and other burned objects.
After the War ended, Mr. Nagaoka was selected as one of the five geology specialists in an atomic bomb investigation team set up by the national government. In addition to Hiroshima, he also surveyed Nagasaki and in no time, his personal stone and roof tile collection had increased significantly.
In 1949, the city of Hiroshima opened an Atomic Bomb Reference Materials Display Room in the central community center and started displaying Mr. Nagaoka’s collection. However, at the time, when rubble still remained in the burnt aftermath, the collected “A-bomb material” was not something that interested the people. Still, Mr. Nagaoka persisted, appealing to those who visited, “exactly what happened in that instant.” Finally, in August 1955, the A-Bomb Museum was opened. Mr. Nagaoka was appointed first director. As director, he worked to encourage school excursions from across Japan to visit and made a special effort to convey the horror of the atomic bomb to many people. Nevertheless, the world had entered the nuclear age… At the A-Bomb Museum, an “Atoms for Peace Exhibit” was held, while the materials were transferred to a small community center. Today, there is not much information left about the first Director Mr. Shogo Nagaoka.
In this program, while relying on the few clues available, we visit people in Japan and abroad who had some knowledge of the day and follow the path of the man who made the A-Bomb Museum. What was it that he put his life on the line to convey?
[Director Norio Maeda]
Not a day goes by that I don’t see tourists from other countries carrying backpacks, in Hiroshima. Today, more than 1.5 million foreigners come from far away to this land, mainly to see the A-Bomb Museum. If it weren’t for one man, who walked around picking up burnt stones and roof tiles after the atomic bomb was dropped, I believe Hiroshima City would look completely different today. Unfortunately, however, practically no record of that man, Shogo Nagaoka remains here in Hiroshima. Through this program, I hope that you are able to feel Mr. Nagaoka’s motives that, even today, continue to move the hearts of people from all over the world.
Hiroshima Peace Program
Contributions to the City of Hiroshima
Hiroshima 100 sightseeing spot “70 years since the Atomic Bomb/The Miracle City”
TSS報道特別番組 ヒロシマを遺した男 ~原爆資料館 誕生秘話~
2014年8月6日水曜日 午後2時~2時55分放送
(再放送 8月6日水曜日 深夜2時~2時55分放送)
昭和20年。当時、広島文理科大学 現・広島大学で地質鉱物学を指導していた長岡省吾さん。原爆投下の翌日に市内に入り、廣島護國神社で腰かけた石灯ろうの表面に、異常な高熱によって、尖った無数の“トゲ”ができていることに驚く。石の専門家である彼は「特殊な爆弾だ」と直感し、毎日廃墟となった広島の町に通いつめ、焼けただれた石や瓦、ビンなどをひたすら集めるようになった。
昭和24年、広島市は中央公民館に「原爆参考資料陳列室」を開設、長岡さんの収集品の展示をはじめた。しかし、焼け跡に多くのガレキがまだ残る時代、集めた「被爆資料」は人々の関心を呼ぶものではなかった。だが、長岡さんはねばり強く「あの一瞬に何が起きたのか」を、訪れた人に訴え続けた。昭和30年8月、ついに原爆資料館が誕生。長岡さんは初代の館長に就任。館長としての長岡さんは、全国の学校へ修学旅行に来てもらうよう働きかけたり、多くの人に原爆の恐ろしさを伝えるべく取り組んでいた。しかし、世界は、核の時代へ…。原爆資料館で「原子力平和利用博覧会」が 開かれることになり、原爆資料は小さな公民館へ移された。今では、初代資料館長・長岡省吾についての資料はほとんど残っていない。
番組では、わずかな手がかりをもとに国内外に当時を知る人々を訪ね、原爆資料館を作った男の軌跡を追った。 彼が命をかけて伝えようとしたものとは…。
【ディレクター:前田典郎(まえだ のりお)】
Hiroshima Peace Program
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広島市原爆ドーム保存事業等 広島市への寄付について
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