The Map of Superconductivity poster is available here: Superconductivity is a fascinating property exhibited by many materials when they are cooled down to cryogenic temperatures to below a certain transition temperature. Below this temperature they lose all of their electrical resistance and they are able to conduct electricity with zero loss of energy. They also exhibit interesting magnetic effects including the total expulsion of magnetic fields from their interior due to superconducting eddy currents. In this video I look at the different kinds of superconductors like type-I and type-II superconductors, and high temperature superconductivity, the theory behind them: Ginzberg-Lanadu theory and BCS theory,, and the applications of them in the real world which include superconducting magnets for MRI machines and particle accelerators, quantum devices like josephson junctions and S.Q.U.I.Ds for uses like quantum computing. Digital version of this poster is here: #physics #superconductivity #DomainOfScience --- Get My Posters Here ---- DFTBA Store: RedBubble Store: I have also made posters available for personal or educational use which you can find here: -- Some Awesome People --- And many thanks to my $10 supporters and above on Patreon, you are awesome! Join the gang and help support me produce free and high quality science content: Bob Milano Joel Richmond Raj Duphare Alex Polo Anca Selariu David Renshaw Eric Epstein Hipotures Kamil Qbitskey Mark Pickenheim noggieB Petr Murmak Prabhakar R Reggie Fourmyle Sandy Toye Sebastian Terrence Masson Theodore Chu --- Special Thanks --- Special thanks to Mark Johnson for his error checking help. --- My Science Books ---- I also write science books for kids called Professor Astro Cat. You can see them all here: --- Follow me around the internet --- --- Credits --- Presented, filmed, art, animation and edited by Dominic Walliman I use Adobe Illustrator and After Effects for the graphics (for the many people who ask :) --- Chapters --- 00:00 Intro 00:48 Zero Resistance and Magnetic Properties 02:53 Conditions Needed for Superconductivity 03:24 Phase Transitions and Phase Diagrams 05:48 Different Kinds of Superconductor 08:35 Theory of Superconductivity 10:49 Real World Applications of Superconductivity 12:51 The Future of Superconductivity