Hi there! Thanks for watching my compilation :) here is a list of all the clips and each episode they are from, plus a tiny bit of context for each clip if you’re confused about certain ones. I had to really clip certain bits down so this video wouldn’t be 2 hours long haha. Enjoy!
00:00: (39) fluffernutter fails
01:46: (96) caduceus pranks his sister
04:57: (82) debating about going into the astral dreadnought (then dragging nott in)
09:03: (90) sprinkle has been dead for weeks
12:12: (26) *serious lore drop* “I’m a pretty good dancer!”
13:12: (35) accidentally stealing a ship / losing caduceus forever (almost)
17:49: (4) Beau and Jester’s horrible deception / Nott rolls a zero
20:37: (107) Beau tackles a lady for no reason / getting revenge on a mean girl by glueing a golden dick to her hand
24:27: (89) Nott robs a hat store
28:56: (17) Fjord’s 3 nat 1s in a row
32:49: (12) Fjord and Molly pretend to be horrifically sick
37:39: (7) *speaking in infernal* “such a cute kitty!”
38:09: (78) caleb gets greedy / teleportation circle time loop (while on horseback, of course)
46:06: (81) Jester throws Nott into the abyss of doom
46:32: (75) cowering from an ice dragon inside Caleb’s magic dome
49:11: (19) Caleb plays dead and Jester freaks out
51:21: (104) playing parchment boulder sheers to decide who goes with Vilya
53:27: (19) Nott tasted a baby once
54:24: (31) Jester vandalizes a temple
57:06: (78) “FUCK OFF, COPS!” *teleports away while on horseback, again*
57:57: (91) pestering Essek about who he thinks is the hottest
Music: Lancer (From Deltarune) by Toby Fox
Art by me
None of the clips are owned by me, all rights belong to the team at Critical Role.