मनचाही चीजों को पाने के लिए ध्यान का चमत्कारी विज्ञान, सभी समस्याओं का समाधान Sadhguru 2019 HD
1. The miraculous science of meditation. ध्यान का चमत्कारी विज्ञान
2. Meditation is a super medicine. ध्यान एक महा औषधि ।
3. There are 3 parts of the mind. मन के ३ हिस्से हैं ।
4. Why is it necessary to understand the roots of life? जीवन की जड़ों को समझना क्यों ज़रूरी है ?
5. What is the theme of all exercises in spiritualism? अध्यात्म जगत की सभी साधनाओं का सार क्या है ?
Meditation is content-less consciousness. You are conscious but free from content. Meditation is a state when you are not doing anything at the body or mind level. When your mind is not involved in the past or the future, you feel a tremendous explosion of energy being in the present, in the moment. That explosion of energy is wisdom or godliness.
Sadhguru Sakshi Ram Kripal Ji, an enlightened master; lovingly called Sakshi Shree by his devotees is the founder of Science Divine: The Science of Divine Living. The mission of Science Divine is to spread the message of love and meditation all over the world for creating a new humanity with sound body, sound mind and self realization that would live a life a life filled with everlasting happiness while simultaneously enjoying the fruits of material prosperity and riches. Sadhguru Sakshi Shree through his ‘spirituality simplified’ and’ scientific techniques for inner transformation’ has touched the lives of millions of people while helping them realize their optimum potential.
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Sadhguru Spritual advise, meditation techniques, inspirational quotes, Motivational speech, rewarding relationships and spiritual awareness. (spiritual adviser )
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self development, Spiritual advise by sadhguru, meditation techniques by sadhguru, spiritual healing self enlightenment, spiritual readings, spiritual awakening
Speaker : Sakshi Ram Kripal Ji Maharaj
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