Warning ⚠️
This video, alone with my other videos, contains
Swears, Bloods, Violence, Death, Flashing Lights, Abuse, etc.
If any of these make you uncomfortable, click off now!
In this video, Roselle Afton explains what happened to her and where she had been since Afton's Meet Creepypastas Two.
She also explains as to why she just showed up now instead of earlier. So sit back, strap in and enjoy the video.
OK so, you got spoilers down below, if you don't wanna see em, watch the full video!
So, Ms. Afton was hanging with the missing children and was acting as their mother because GOD knows they definitely need one.
Not only that, Ennard and Molten BOTH exist in the same world?! Yeah you want an explanation for that? Well let's start with Aftons Get Captured by the SCP Foundation Post Ending Scene.
As you know, Molten has all the consciousness of the Funtimes Minus Circus Baby cause… she ded. So when they were under Henry's control, they had no free will of their own. So they expelled BidyBabs conscious from Molten Freddy and he fucking DIPPED! However, he didn't get a good ending because Stitchwraith came across the rogue conscious in a whole different animatronic and… Consumed him hence why we have Ennard and Molten at the same place.
However, this is Ennard V.2 not V.1 as the Ennard that scooped Michael.
Animatronics CAN be remade, just better and more combat experienced to suit the plot.
Speaking of Stitchwraith, he and Ennard did not kill Charlie or Gabriel. They consumed their souls and the two are a part of their collages inside. While Gabriel's soul was weak, Stirchwraith consumed his because he knew Charlie would come for him, and her soul was actually needed to get one step closer to getting more powerful.
Basically, the more powerful the soul you consume, the more powerful the amalgamation gets and the more punch they pack.
Also damn, I'm really out here doing Charlie DIRTY! Maybe next season I should lay off her 😭