On the night when love and joy were supposed to be celebrated at Maryam's wedding, the sudden absence of the bridegroom, Omid, turned everything into a disaster. Maryam, the disappointed bride, is immersed in a world of sadness and despair. But he does not give up; He is looking for the truth that is hidden in the shadows of betrayal and only one name is spinning in his mind: Zahra.
Zahra, a mysterious and suspicious person, has a dark role in this story. Maryam and her loyal operator decide to monitor him and discover hidden secrets in a dangerous game of chase. Every step Maryam takes brings her closer to Zahra's dark and dangerous world. The sound of his heart beats in his ears and he feels excitement and tension in his being.
In this pursuit, Maryam looks for any clues that will bring her closer to the truth. But Zahra, cleverly and cunningly, finds out about Maryam's pursuit and threatens that any action on her part will have serious consequences. Maryam, who can no longer remain silent in the face of these threats, decides to stand against Zahra at any cost, with a strong will and hatred.
With each passing moment, the tension between the two women increases. Can Maryam win this game of life and death and discover the truth? Will he be able to find his lost hope in the middle of this chase or will he be caught in the clutches of Zahra?
At the height of excitement and tension, Maryam goes to the garden where the celebration is held, where sweet and bitter memories of her wedding flow. Among the trees and flowers, he remembers the beautiful moments and the hope he had in his heart. Here, right where he was supposed to celebrate his love, he wistfully remembers the day when everything was in his hands.
# Absence
# failure
#Hope is lost
#Love is lost