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Join us for a behind-the-scenes look at our busy farm life in this week’s adventure! In this video, Jaz and I tackle essential jobs—from repairing storm-damaged fencing and closing gaps, to a morning lamb drop-off at the mart. Watch as we gather lambs, administer doses with my brother Francie, and deliver feed buckets to our hardworking sheep. Plus, see how we use the Herdwatch app to log remedy purchases and streamline our operations. We even help a fellow farmer by selecting sheep for better pasture management!
Whether you're passionate about agriculture, livestock care, or modern farming technology, this video is packed with tips and insights for every farming enthusiast. Discover the perfect blend of traditional farm work and innovative tech that keeps our operation thriving.
Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more authentic farm adventures and practical farming tips!
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My Herdwatch Link - https://herdwatchng.app.link/4QjL4EsxkIb
My name is Karol Devaney and I'm a Hill Farmer and Sheep Shearer from Sligo in the Northwest of Ireland. 💚
Every week I put up Vlogs of what I'm getting up to on the farm, plus the odd podcast with special guests. 🥰
If you enjoy my videos and like watching regular farming content, you should subscribe to the channel!
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