※帯で一番美しいのは、柄や刺繍がよく見える結びの部分。 この部分を自分の顔とともに正面に配置することで「周囲に最も美しい自分を見せる」というのが、花魁が帯を前で結んでいた理由です。
During Edo period (early 1600 - 1850) oirans were “high class” prostitues, unlike common prostitues, who were for upper class men, aristocrats, top level government authorities; highly accomplished women in singing, musical instruments, painting, knowledge of arts in detail, poise, comportment, and many other aspects life in their society.
Their apparent natural beauty were highly prized these wealthy men and well compensated.
The Oiran wore 6 layers of underwear, nagajuban, and kosode in total, and on top of that, they wore 3 uchikake! Total of 9 kimonos!
As the costumes and hair ornaments of Oiran became more luxurious, the geta became taller to maintain balance, and towards the end of the Edo period (around 1850) large, extremely tall and heavy ones began to appear.
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