#CB3 #Spyderrt #BRP #CanAmOnRoad #CanAmRyker #CanAmSpyder #CanAmRykerRally #RykerRally #2024 SYLVAN ROAD ... NEEDLES HIGHWAY ... NATURE LOOP ... IRON MOUNTAIN ROAD ... South Dakota has the most beautiful riding in THE WORLD!!! I made a trip to Deadwood South Dakota for the Deadwood Three Wheel Rally. It was magnificent. Episode one is arriving to Deadwood and ends with the beautiful Mount Rushmore. We are going to run it this NEW SPYDER through its paces and give you the information you need. YOU NEED ONE!!! CanAm SYTHE MESH Riding Jacket Review!!! BRP/CanAm Sythe Mesh Jacket CE/UKCA SKU 4409750970 https://can-am-shop.brp.com/on-road/us/en/440975-men-s-sythe-mesh-jacket-ce-ukca.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw9cCyBhBzEiwAJTUWNRive5GIJWtGZ41NrzKrHBeypo2Q3ZakSl9MOGHdLw8Yq11l92rxWBoCkQUQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#1005=8155&1010=8232 CAN-AM RYKER RECALL NOTICE: https://can-am.brp.com/on-road/us/en/owner-zone/safety-recalls/fuel-pump-potential-loss-of-propulsion.html SPYDER RECALL NOTICE: https://can-am.brp.com/on-road/us/en/owner-zone/safety-recalls/rearview-mirrors-lenses-may-dislodge-decreased-visibility.html Let Me HELP YOU GET FIT!!! What have you go to LOSE!!! Here is the list of your daily GOALS: (1) Workout 1 Hour a day!!! (2) Try to drink a Gallon of Water Daily!!! (3) Have a Solid and Sustainable Nutrition Plan!!! (4) Get 7-8 hours of Sleep every Night!!! (5) Read Something Inspirational Daily!!! Here is a link to information on Water Intoxication...Dangers associated with drinking to much H2O!! https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318619#how-much-is-too-much Coach Bob Wears: Joe Rocket Jacket: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrIi3wW5fjU AlpineStars Jacket: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TS-Kte0_k2w Dainese Jacket: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLeAOH8b4bk Can-Am Mesh Jacket: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekOwZ1mcx4w BohnArmor Shirt:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq2QyTLlMWI THE GREATEST GROUP RIDING RESOURCE HERE!!! IT IS A MUST READ!!! http://cvma274blueridge.org/assets/files/CVMA274SOP5.0.pdf Get your BohnArmor Gear here: https://www.bohnarmor.com/product/all-season-airtex-armored-riding-shirt-black/ Check out these YouTubers: Ryker Rydes channel @RykerRydes https://www.youtube.com/c/RykerRydes Rolling on 3 channel @RollingOn3 https://www.youtube.com/@RollingOn3 John and Miriams Travel Vlog @JohnMiriamsTravelVlog https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmQ2WobInwgE_U8OIdWCZ1A https://www.coachbob3.com Visit my good friends at Florida Motorsports in Tallahassee, FL!!!! https://www.floridamotorsports.com ---LIKE...SHARE...SUBSCRIBE---LIKE...SHARE...SUBSCRIBE---LIKE...SHARE...SUBSCRIBE--- We hope to see you on the road.. ---LIKE...SHARE...SUBSCRIBE---LIKE...SHARE...SUBSCRIBE---LIKE...SHARE...SUBSCRIBE--- Coach Bob wears ShadyRays Sun Glasses https://shadyrays.com Instagram CoachBob3 https://www.instagram.com/coachbob3/ Facebook Coachbob3 https://www.facebook.com/groups/325314891475399/ Twitter CoachBob3 @Bob3Coach https://twitter.com/Bob3Coach Coach Bob’s Current Motorcycles: 2015 Triumph Speed Triple 2019 CanAm Spyder RT 2019 Suzuki SV650X 2022 Triumph Tiger 900 Rally Pro Coach Bob’s Gear: Helmets: Arai XD-4 Shoei Neotec II Shoei GT-Air Helmet Shoei J-Cruise Helmet AGV K3 Comm System: Cardo Pack Talk Bold Jackets: Joe Rocket Phoenix Ion Jacket Icon Overlord Glove Cortech Scarab 2.0 Gloves Alpinestars SMX-2 Air Carbon V2 Gloves Street and Steel Riding Jeans Alpinestars SMX-1R Vented Boot Seat Cushion Butt Buffer Lamonster Magic Mirrors Audio/Video Equipment GoPro Hero7/9/10 Black Purple Panda in helmet Microphone AKG 214 Microphone for Office Chats #cb3 #coachbob #nofear