How One Love Saved My (Hair) Life | The Most Clutch Cowash Ever | The Doux One Love Review
I'm typically not a fan of co-washing my 4a/4b/4c hair, but this one saved my life and made me a believer. In this video, I'm demonstrating One Love, the all-in-one classic wash day in a jar from the Doux. Usable as a pre-poo, "no-poo," rinse-out conditioner, and deep conditioner, this product can do it all. And it came in very handy for me when I couldn't do it all. Check out this review to learn how.
00:00 Welcome
01:11 About One Love
04:46 Pre-poo
07:57 Co-wash
08:57 Storytime
13:53 Final Verdict
You can purchase One Love here*:
*If you make a purchase while shopping My Shelf, I may earn a commission at NO COST TO YOU. Thank you for helping me continue to bring you content!
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