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Over TWO hours of the top posts from r/Iamverysmart Reddit. Join the community subreddit at ! Video credits below.
Robin ►
Jack ►
Jack | 9000000 IQ REDDIT POSTS: 00:00:00
Robin | tall brain: 00:12:56
Jack | ok chief :): 00:23:59
Robin | he is danger: 00:35:39
Jack | click for instant cringe: 00:47:18
Robin | click for high IQ: 00:59:29
Jack | i HaVe 9 DeGreEs: 01:14:12
Robin | BIG BRAIN BERNIE 01:24:29
Jack | absolute intellectual: 01:39:37
Jack | HARVARD?!?!?!: 01:50:44
Jack | no brains?: 02:01:17