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The Most Profitable Investment You Can Ever Make I Ustadh Mohamad Baajour

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The Most Profitable Investment You Can Ever Make | Ustadh Mohamad Baajour Every day, we look for profitable investments in this dunya, but have we thought about the investment that pays off even after we die? Allah ﷻ has given us opportunities to earn everlasting rewards that continue to benefit us in our graves! In this powerful reminder, Ustadh Mohamad Baajour explains the three deeds that will keep benefiting you even after your death: Don’t miss this life-changing reminder on how to invest in your Akhirah before it’s too late! 🎥 Watch, Share & Implement! 📩 Tag someone who needs to hear this! 🕌 May Allah make us among those whose deeds never stop! Ameen. #islam #sadaqahjariyah #ustadh_mohamad_baajour #humbleservantofallah Join Our Humble Servant of Allah Community Stay connected, get updates, and support our mission to spread knowledge and positivity. 📢 Join Our WhatsApp Channel Stay updated with charity news, initiatives, and community updates: 👉 Click here to join ✨ Unlock Exclusive Perks Become a member of our YouTube channel and enjoy special benefits: 👉 Join here 📿 Daily Duas and Supplications Get a beautiful digital download of Dua Cards for your daily prayers: 👉 Download here https: 🤝 Support Our Channel Help us grow and continue creating impactful content: 👉 Donate here 📚 Learn Arabic with Ease Discover how this 5-step journey can take you from zero Arabic to fluency—faster than you thought possible! 👉 Start your journey here 🎁 Use code HSA25 for 25% off! 📖 Learn About Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Biography of the Prophet ﷺ (Available in the US & worldwide): 👉 Get your copy here Sirah of the Prophet ﷺ by Yasir Qadhi (UK only): 👉 Order here JazakAllahu Khair for your continued support! Together, we can inspire and make a positive difference in our Ummah. 🌸
