Feruchemy is one of the three magic systems present on Scadrial, the planet that Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn series takes place on. It is perhaps the most versatile of the three metallic arts, with it’s applications ranging from fighting to scholarship. In this video, we will explore Feruchemy’s mechanics, discuss how Feruchemical abilities are gained, learn about each of the Feruchemical metals, and discover the origins and history of Feruchemy.
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Mistborn Era 1:
Buy The Final Empire: https://amzn.to/3DRbRNt
Buy The Well of Ascension: https://amzn.to/4j4D1Rf
Buy The Hero of Ages: https://amzn.to/3DRvXXU
Buy the Mistborn Era 1 Box Set: https://amzn.to/3Py1H74
Mistborn Era 2:
Buy The Alloy of Law: https://amzn.to/40bMwWb
Buy Shadows of Self: https://amzn.to/3PuFC9q
Buy The Bands of Mourning: https://amzn.to/42eZyVz
Buy Mistborn Secret History: https://amzn.to/40rQDyq
Buy The Lost Metal: https://amzn.to/3DKPvgw
Buy the Mistborn Era 2 Box Set: https://amzn.to/3WgMpY5
This video was recorded with a Shure SM7B microphone: https://amzn.to/423pLGq
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Artist Attribution:
PinwheelEatery - Sazed (Used in thumbnail)
Isaac Stewart - Cosmere Constellation, Scadrial Era 2 map, Table of Feruchemical Metals
Jon Foster - TFE, WoA, and HoA book covers
Chris McGrath - AoL, SoS, BoM, and TLM book covers
Michael Whelan -
Ben McSweeney - Feruchemist Keeper, Feruchemist packwoman, Era 2 Train Robbery, Noble
Zsoszy - Feruchemist
Lara Sarmiento - Feruchemist Jewelry, Feruchemist holding book
Thamburnsh - Big Sazed 1 and 2
geryss - Waxillium
Juanes Burbano - Regular Human, Koloss
Nyx-ia - Sazed
Raul Rosell - Luthadel
ROUND III - Skydiving footage
Nevena Jevtic - Sazed
Kelly Harris - Sazed and Tindwyl
jurassicpencil - Allik Neverfar
LaurenceWrightArt - Matrim Cauthon
heatherly.draws - Ruin and Preservation
LLSN_ART - Ruin Harmony and Preservation
runmien - Sazed, Sazed and Rashek
Shuravf - Sazed
Armando Funes Vidal - Reshaping the World
beigriff - Mistwraith
conjchamberlain - Kandra
BotanicaXu - The Lord Ruler
gar_leyva - Sazed
soyabeansoldier - Sazed
LaMaery - Sazed
Ari Ibarra - The Lord Ruler
shayndl - Sazed
Meredith May - Steel Inquisitor
BlackSalander - Sazed
Petar Penev - Sazed’s Ascension
EccoS - Field of Rebirth
If I missed any artists, please reach out and let me know.
Stock Images and stock footage from Mixkit, vecteezy, pixabay, unsplash and pngwing
Sources Used:
Mistborn Eras 1 and 2 books
Music Used:
Relaxing Green Nature (slowed version) by David Fesliyan
Elven Forest by David Renda (Fesliyan Studios)
Time Stamps:
0:00 - Intro
0:30 - Mechanics
5:01 - Gaining Feruchemical Abilities
6:25 - Types of Feruchemists
7:56 - Feruchemical Metals
18:41 - Origins and History of Feruchemy