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This is Part III of our series on the Dyatlov Pass Incident.
When Igor Dyatlov and his eight companions failed to check in at the end of their expedition to Mt. Otorten, a massive search effort was organized to rescue the missing hikers. That search ended in tragedy, with the bodies of all nine members of the Dyatlov group found along the slopes of Kholat Syakhl, a mountain in the Urals known to the locals as "Dead Peak". While the autopsies determined causes of death rather easily, a number of questions remained in the aftermath. Many injuries could not be explained, leading sleuths to question the manner of death. How did this group of experienced, healthy, and well prepared hikers find themselves in this position, and what led them to make the decisions they did? Why did the number of axes found not match those listed on plans? How did they cut branches from trees with no knife? Who was the author of the "Unknown ?Diary", and who took photos for the "Unknown Film"? Was there an intervening party? A missile test gone awry? Welcome back to The Lore Lodge...
Part I: https://youtu.be/tcdMGNo23dI
Part II: https://youtu.be/gU0xjU9LEeE
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0:00:00 - Cold Open
0:00:22 - Introduction
0:02:05 - The Hikers
0:11:17 - The Expedition
0:12:30 - The Tragedy
0:14:43 - The Mansi
0:28:19 - The Yeti
0:36:58 - The Cameras
0:45:57 - Who Was Semyon Zolotaryov?
0:59:20 - The Other Loose Ends
1:04:46 - Conclusions