In this series we will explore the mystery of Greek warfare! Click this link to make some cash for giving your opinion! Thanks YouGov for sponsoring!
What you think you know is most likely wrong. The problem with our understanding of ancient Greek warfare is that no one has been a hoplite or seen them fight. We are therefore left to reconstruct models of combat. This is complicated by the fact that Greek hoplites themselves evolved over the years as have the schools of thought for interpreting clues from the past. To break this impasse, our friend, professor Paul Bardunias, has pioneered experimental research meant to validate or falsify the claims of historians.
In this first episode we will set the foundations for this discussion by exploring the evolution hoplite and comparing the competing schools of thought regarding their warfare.
Reenactment provided by the awesome team at the Greek Phalanx:
Video Timestamps:
00:00 Intro
02:54 What is a Hoplite
05:20 Hoplites (Early Archaic)
10:44 Hoplites (Late Archaic)
12:42 Hoplites (Classical)
15:18 Hoplite Recap
15:38 How Hoplites Fought
17:10 "Prussian" School of Thought
19:41 "Orthodox" School of Thought
21:53 "Heretic" School of Thought
24:03 Who is right?
Sources and Suggested Reading:
"Classical Greek Tactics: A Cultural History" by Dr. Roel Konijnendijk
"Greek Warfare: Myths and Realities" by Hans van Wees
"The Western Way of War" by Victor Davis Hanson