Join Joe, Jakkie and Tommy as they deliver a message on the weekly Torah Portion, seeking for Yeshua (Jesus) and His love on every page.
Every Friday 7pm UK Time, 2pm ET, 11am PT.
Terumah - Offering
Exodus 25:1-27:19
The Children of Israel are called upon to contribute materials for the construction of Yah’s tabernacle, His dwelling place among them. On the summit of Mount Sinai, Moses is given detailed instructions on how to construct this sanctuary, having been given a spiritual vision of the Heavenly Tabernacle.
The designs are intricate, involving many fine and precious materials to be worked by highly skilled craftsmen and women, to reflect the majesty of Yah, but allowing for easy assembling and dismantling, so that it can be transported from place to place as the people journey throughout the wilderness.
00:00:00 The Significance of the Heave Offering in Exodus
00:06:24 Understanding the Concept of Giving in Hebraic Tradition
00:12:37 Symbolism of the Tabernacle and Heartfelt Offerings
00:18:42 The Principle of Giving: Operating in the Higher Echelons of Love
00:24:44 The Importance of Forgiveness and Removing Grudges
00:30:35 The Essence of Generosity and True Giving
00:36:14 The Joy of Giving and The Cheerful Giver
00:42:30 The Power of Giving: Understanding the Ten Commandments
00:48:26 Lessons from the Parable of the Shrewd Servant
00:54:03 Exploring the Depths of Worship and Symbolism
01:00:00 Spiritual Implications of Being the Temple
01:05:44 Symbolism of Mind, Body, and Spirit: The Ark of the Covenant
01:11:08 The Heart and the Ark of the Covenant: A Spiritual Connection
01:17:30 The Symbolism of the Ketubah and Ark of Deliverance
01:23:26 The Symbolism of Cherubim: Intimacy and Union
01:30:00 Understanding the New Covenant in Jeremiah 31
01:35:40 Generational Ministry and Community Support
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