#BRAHMAKUMARI #BKTRUPTI #SHRIMADBHAGWADGITA #MOTIVATIONAL #SHIVBABA #powerofthought #positivethoughts #innersrength #innerpeace #innerpower #awakening #soul #happiness #mindpower #mindfulness #wellbeing #meditation #rajyoga
Every person in this world aspires for peace and happiness.
Happiness, love and peace is our inner quality and is within; while we try to find it outside. We very often encounter tension, stress, anger, peacelessness, frustration, anxiety, etc. Mental tension is the cause of the crimes in the world. Many diseases are also due to psychological imbalance, nervous strain and hypertension. This program attempts to talk through some of the solutions to these commonly occuring problems and tips and techniques to achieve happiness.Watch TV program ‘Problems Ko Bye! Happiness Ko Hi’ by BK Trupti