In today’s video I will discuss the long term impact of narcissistic abuse. Narcissistic abuse can be damaging to your emotional and physical health. The long term effects of narcissistic abuse are sleep changes, appetite changes, nausea, and muscle tension, just to name a few. The narcissist destroys you when you are in the relationship and this continues to impact you after you leave the relationship. Why does the narcissist abuse have such log standing affects on your body? More specifically, emotional abuse effects on body can be overwhelming and also affect your mind. You may notice a brain fog or other changes in your thinking. When you know the emotional abuse signs and symptoms, you can better protect yourself from the long term impact by making changes sooner. Can a narcissist make you physically ill? Yes, the toxic relationship with someone who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder is far reaching. If you remain in the abusive relationship, things will not get better, and you feel the continuing effects of the abuse. Make yourself a priority and put yourself first. Find ways to get support for the decision to leave the relationship. It will be hard, but it will be the best for you in the long run.
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● Watch next:
Can a relationship with a narcissist work? Narcissistic Rage & Narcissistic Injury:
How does emotional abuse affect your body?
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