What is the New Age? What are the main beliefs? What does the Bible say about it?
What are the most popular New Age books and authors?
A spirituality without dogma where each one makes his own truth by taking teachings from : Buddhism, Hinduism, esotericism, personal development, Christian Science, analytical psychology... The goal is spiritual awakening and Self-realization.
The main beliefs are : All is One, God is in all, rename God as you want (The Universe, the Source, Life, the One...), reincarnation, Jesus is a man who set an example (Christic consciousness, ascended master), humanity is awakening (new age, Aquarian Age).
00:00 Introduction
01:44 What is the New Age?
04:42 The 7 pillar beliefs
17:51 New Age literature
Why does the Bible forbid clairvoyance, mediumship ? : https://youtu.be/bnhbnU5ZJIY
Conversion of Doreen Virtue, former New Age best-seller : https://youtu.be/M0IYcM8wRBk
My testimony, from New Age to faith in Jesus Christ : https://youtu.be/-Y33Yrg0VwQ
- French:
Complete file http://www.spiritualite-chretienne.com/Nouvel-Age/new-age.html
Book : The ABC of esotericism by Lothar GASSMANN
Article on anointing, being anointed (Christ = the one who is anointed) : https://www.gotquestions.org/Francais/oint-onction.html
Article on reincarnation : https://www.psychologies.com/Culture/Spiritualites/Pratiques-spirituelles/Articles-et-Dossiers/Reincarnation-la-croyance-qui-re-monte
The dangers of the New Age by a New Age site : https://energie-sante.net/les-dangers-du-new-age/
- In English :
THE NEW AGE. WHAT IS IT? By Marcia Montenegro http://www.christiananswersforthenewage.org/Articles_NewAge.html
The New Age movement, what is it? By Elliot Miller : https://www.equip.org/article/the-new-age-movement-what-is-it/
Youtube playlist "New Age Movement" by C4C Apologetics : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeOcdkxTcWJttixV1srjPxiPy75VR-VUU
North American Mission Board Apologetics, New Age beliefs : https://www.namb.net/apologetics/resource/new-age/