This is a new mixture and it is much safer and more effective than the previous options.
This is a mixture of a new herbicide/safener called Recognition and Fusilade II. Here’s what you need and where to find it. Recognition may not be fully available to purchase until late 2023.
Recognition Herbicide
Fusilade II
80/20 non-Ionic Surfactant
Battery Backpack Sprayer
How to mix, per 1000 square feet:
-One gallon of water
-.55 oz of Fusilade II
-.03 oz of Recognition
-.5 oz of 80/20 NIS
Spray evenly over each 1000 ft2. ALWAYS READ THE PRODUCT LABELS. Wear personal protective equipment when applying herbicides, or any product that calls for it.
This can be applied up to 3 times a year starting in June. At the maximum rate of Fusilade you should wait 5-6 weeks between applications. This mixture is rain fast within 3 hours.
#recognition #zoysia #lawn