Some guy goes over TF2's other V-Script community gamemode, Zombie Infection... just in time for Thanksgiving rather than Halloween...
Zombie Infection is a Scream Fortress timed gamemode, Red team has the simple objective of surviving until the time runs out. While Blu needs to kill all of Red. Sounds simple but Blu can't use any guns, they're restricted to their melees and zombie abilities only and every time someone on Red dies, the timer goes back up a couple seconds. When there are just 3 survivors left on Red, they gain a mini-crit buff, when there's just one left standing, however, that user gets crits instead.
Zombies all have a unique role or niche in this gamemode much like their un-undead counterparts. Which one infects the idiots on the Red team the best? Which one lacks the brains they so desperately crave?
Thumbnail done by:
Highly, HIGHLY recommend watching the linked "Zombie Infection Intro" video first and then coming back to this one, the intro video actually contains the correct music that was originally intended to be played before it got copyrighted to Kingdom Come
Time Stamps
0:00:00 Intro
0:01:21 Opening
0:02:52 Pyroshark
0:04:30 Sniper
0:08:40 Demoknight
0:12:35 Spy
0:18:35 Scout
0:24:10 Huntsman
0:25:11 Demo
0:28:22 Heavy
0:32:41 Pyro
0:39:19 Soldier
0:42:55 Medic
0:46:07 Engineer
0:52:26 Zombie Opening
0:53:24 Zombie Engineer
0:55:16 Zombie Pyro
0:59:32 Zombie Scout
1:00:49 Zombie Demo
1:02:40 Zombie Spy
1:04:56 Zombie Medic
1:05:53 Zombie Soldier
1:07:12 Zombie Sniper
1:09:34 Zombie Heavy
1:13:09 Closing Words
For the love of god... no more zombie based gamemodes please...
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Poopy Joe also makes a return, the first person to comment and timestamp his location in the video (and join the Discord) wins a magnificent prize fit for King Kong