Ever wondered what a brand new airline would offer in its business class seating? Who is Taiwan's best airline, EVA Air or Starlux? Today, we are exploring all of this as I hop aboard the all-new Starlux A350 business class from Taipei, Taiwan (TPE) to Los Angeles (LAX). Starlux has always been a highly requested video topic, and we are happy to finally bring you this comprehensive flight review. I, Ricky Zhang, and the entire Prince of Travel team strive to share with you the best of the best in business class experiences and inform you about choosing the best business class, first class, or even economy class seats for your next flight. After this experience on Starlux Airlines, I am left debating whether this new airline surpasses EVA Air (a long-time favorite in business class for trips to Asia). You will be able to judge for yourself after watching this video, where we dive into lounge access, drinks and dining, the service, and the seat itself. In your opinion, who offers the best business class flight experience?
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