Hi! One of the biggest struggle for me and most artists is the brow mapping part. I show you how I map brows and I use this method for every single client of mine. Once you understand the concept and placement of where the lines are supposed to go then you can apply this method to all of your clients!
In this video, I used a plain white string and a Sharpie china marker to essentially color in the thread. Nothing special. I ran out of the pre-ink string for this video.
If you're looking to purchase pre-inked mapping string that I use, then stay tuned! We will be launching this mapping string sometime in JAN 2021!
If you're interested in our intimate training classes, email info@microbladingbrowlady.com.
Classes offered:
Powder Shading
Combo Brows (both Microblading and Powder Shading)
Advance Training (for experienced artists looking to fine-tune technique)
Let's be friends!
Located out of Lexington, MA.
Instagram: www.instagram.com/browladymicroblading
Facebook: www.facebook.com/browladymicroblading
Website: www.microbladingbrowlady.com
Booking Site: browladymicrobladingstudio.schedulista.com
Video captured by Kevin Cueto, contact info cueto617@gmail.com