This is a lecture about a chapter of my world history book called:
"In Search of the Sublime - A world history of humanity's relentless pursuit of scientific truth, moral excellence, and enlightenment."
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Kind regards,
Stephan P. Dinkgreve
MSc Theoretical Physics
R. Bellah, Religion in Human Evolution, Harvard University Press, 2011.
R. Hendel, The Book of Genesis. Composition, Reception, and Interpretation, Brill, 2012.
R. Hendel, The Book of Genesis; A biography, Princeton University Press, 2013.
M. Smith, The Early History of God. Yahweh and the Other Deities in Ancient Israel, Eerdmans Publishing, 2002
01:55 Some have noted that Yahweh was not part of the Canaanite Pantheon, as in, he is not mentioned in the Ugaritic text. I meant that in Israel, as we shall see, he was related to this pantheon, but this can be confusing.
03:05 The Bible itself explains "Israel" as "struggle with God," which seems to be folk etymology. Genesis is full of them. Here, the meaning of words was guesed at the time long after the original meaning was forgotten. "El rules" seems linguistically more sensible.
07:38 The Hebrew version of the Bible states “the children of Israel” instead of "the divine sons." The
"the divine sons" is part of the Greek translation of the Bible and also from a fragment from Qumran, making scholars believe that “the children of Israel" was a later alteration, to avoid the complications described on this slide.