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This philosophy changed my life in ways that words can't capture.
This is probably the most important video I've made so far, I hope it can help you in the way I intend, but if it doesn't, that's an indication that I didn't explain it well enough.
We are in the midst of a meaning crisis, and as someone who was once in that pit of nihilism, I saw first-hand how that worldview instantly leads to destructive behaviour and a plethora of unnecessary suffering. As someone who left that pit, I also saw how much better life gets when your foundation is solid. However, without an alternative worldview, people get locked into their current one.
I deeply, deeply want to do my part to help others leave that place, and I think autotelic effectivism is the vehicle.
I'm going to continue developing this philosophy and experimenting with different delivery mechanisms until I'm confident that it's not getting lost in translation, because I really do think this perspectival inversion has the potential to 'revive' so many zombies who are lost without a north star or worldview that affords them meaningful engagement with the world.
I'd love to hear your thoughts, so don't hesitate to be unfiltered in the comments.
Musicbed: (Use code: COMPASS)
Channel overview:
A few years ago, I was stuck in bed, hating the universe for subjecting me to the 'sick and twisted game of life' without my consent. I was pathetic.
It was only after I realized something very important that things began getting better... life didn't suck; I did.
In the absence of friction, my mind was conjuring its own, so life was hard, yes, but it didn't have to be. The suffering was unnecessary. After a few years of incremental progress, I'm having the time of my life. I've never been in better shape, my mind has never been sharper, I've never experienced so much happiness, and it's all rooted in a deep sense of meaning that was once absent.
I had to shake myself of lots of old beliefs and patterns to get to where I am, and I believe there are millions of other people who feel stuck and could learn from my mistakes. So that's why I'm starting this channel: to share some of the insights that formed the foundation of the psychological habitat I now occupy.
I don't know exactly how the channel will develop but I'm going to start by posting my raw ideas as that's the only thing I can consistently do at this point in time.
I hope it helps!
Instagram: @angelo.somers
twitter: @angelo_somers