SPONSORED BY WREN: Offset your carbon footprint on Wren: https://www.wren.co/start/princessweekesThe first 100 people who sign up will have 10 extra trees planted in their name! A little h*rny and a little discourse-y, we will talk about some of the many conversations surrounding rooting for the bad guy. Also, this video was ad restricted, so if you enjoyed it and can, please support the Patreon. xx Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/pmweekes Patreon: www.patreon.com/princessweekes Instagram: princess_weekes TikTok: PrincessPendulum Edited by Joey & Princess Weekes Sources: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/25/style/your-fave-is-problematic-tumblr.html https://medium.com/@Powells/i-was-not-a-nice-little-girl-c2df01e0ae1