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In this video, psychotherapist Georgia Dow delves into the character of Perrito from the movie "Puss in Boots" and explores the concept of positivity and the desire to belong. By examining various scenes in the movie, Georgia explains the positive and negative aspects of Perrito's optimistic attitude and how it affects his relationships with others. She also offers insights into the human need for social connection and the role that positivity plays in our sense of belonging. Whether you're someone who tends to see the world through rose-colored glasses or someone who struggles with finding a sense of community, this video offers valuable lessons in the power and pitfalls of positivity.
#pussinboots #thelastwish
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🚨 DISCLAIMER: This video series is provided for informational purposes only and should not substitute for a personal consultation with a professional.
🐦 Contact Georgia on Twitter: https://twitter.com/georgia_dow
📺 Need more help? Georgia co-hosts a self-help video series: https://www.anxiety-videos.com
🌎 Visit Georgia's website: https://www.westmounttherapy.com
Nebula homepage for Georgia!
Video: https://nebula.app/georgiadow
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