In this video, we explore the powerful combination of triangulation and the Lucena position in two-rook endgames. Triangulation allows you to shift your king’s position to gain the tempo you need, while the Lucena position gives you the technique to convert a passed pawn into a win. Watch and learn how these essential endgame principles work together to help you win in rook endgames with precision and confidence. How the Lucena Position Works: If the player with the passed pawn can get their king and rook to the right squares, they can "build a bridge" to help the pawn advance to the promotion square. The opponent's rook tries to stop the pawn, but in the Lucena position, the attacking player can "cut off" the defending rook with their own rook, allowing the king to support the pawn's push. Once the pawn is close enough, it can be promoted, leading to a win. The term "Lucena position" in chess is named after the Spanish chess player Juan José Lucena (often referred to simply as "Lucena"), who is credited with discovering or formalizing the concept in the 15th century. Lucena was an important figure in early chess literature, and his contributions helped shape the modern understanding of chess endgames. Lucena’s work, particularly in the book "Repetición de Amores y Arte de Ajedrez" (1497), contains one of the earliest descriptions of endgame theory, including the Lucena position. In this position, the idea of "building a bridge" with the rook to promote a passed pawn was highlighted as a key technique to win the game. The Full Playlist