座落於1881 Heritage,Mastercard 亞太區首間概念餐廳LUMA,邀請到Netflix 實境煮食節目 《The Maverick Academy》主持「廚魔」Alvin Leung及其冠軍門生 Yuda Bustara,聯同 LUMA 主廚 Kasey Chan ,攜手呈獻創意十足現代亞洲菜式的無價體驗。即日起至2月10日,預約無價體驗https://mstr.cd/3VVIEas ,感受亞洲奢華盛宴。
感謝 Lubuds Group, LUMA 和美珍醬油菓子廠參與,並提供支持!!
Mastercard APAC’s first Concept Restaurant at 1881 Heritage, LUMA, is hosting Yuda Bustara, the talented winner of Netflix's culinary competition show ‘The Maverick Academy’ and protégé of renowned Demon chef Alvin Leung. From now until February 10, he’ll be working alongside LUMA’s executive chef Kasey Chan to serve their innovative menu featuring contemporary pan-Asian cuisine.
Special thanks to Lubuds Group, LUMA and Mee Chun Canning for their support.
即日起至1月19日止,到Mastercard亞太區首家概念餐廳LUMA門口’’大拍美照’’,把美照上傳Instagram標注@torres_pit @ghlchan,並 #pricelessexperience #MastercardHK,我和Grace就會在1月20日選出姿勢擺得最美的觀眾,讓你免費體驗LUMA的Mastercard priceless experience!
//Event Details//
From now until January 19, take your best shot in front of Mastercard APAC’s first concept restaurant at 1881 Heritage, LUMA. Post your photo on Instagram, tag @torres_pit and @ghlchan, and include the hashtags #pricelessexperience and #MastercardHK. On January 20, Grace and I will select the most stunning pose, and the winner will be treated to a complimentary Mastercard priceless experience at LUMA!
𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘦 ♥ 陳凱琳 https://www.instagram.com/ghlchan/
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Work with me: consistently looking for talent in Editing, Graphic Designing, Translating, Script Writing, Merchandising: [email protected] (人才請你來信)
▎感謝你那麼好看還追蹤我!follow us on:
My IG: https://instagram.com/torres_pit
Georgia IG: https://instagram.com/georgiakategordon
FB: https://www.facebook.com/torgortorres/
合作邀約: [email protected]
#ALWAYSEXPLORING #Lubuds #LUMA #TheMaverickAcademy #Netflix #AlvinLeung #DemonChef