High-speed trains are often expensive, but they don't have to be. I've found the cheapest high-speed train in the world, and it's the TCDD Yüksek Hızlı Tren (YHT) service in Turkey, travelling in Ekonomi Class! --- Journey Details: Origin: Eskişehir Destination: Ankara YHT Company: TCDD Taşımacılık (Turkish State Railway Transport) Train: TCDD HT65000 'CAF Sepia' Accommodation: Ekonomi Class Seat (2nd) Distance: 245 kilometres / 152 miles Price: ₺45 (£2.40 / €2.90 / $3.30) Time: 1h29m, 15 minutes late --- Find me elsewhere: https://superalbs.weebly.com/ https://twitter.com/superalbs/ https://www.instagram.com/superalbstravels/ https://www.facebook.com/superalbstravels/