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The video discusses the relationship between the Je.wish people and the coming of the Dajjal (the False Messiah) from an Islamic perspective. It begins by explaining that when Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) migrated to Medina, the Je.ws there were already expecting a prophet. The Qur'an even acknowledges that they used to warn others about the coming of their awaited prophet. However, when they realized that Prophet Muhammad was not from their lineage (the Israelites), many of them rejected him despite recognizing his truthfulness.
The lecture highlights how some Jewish scholars in Medina, such as Abdullah ibn Salam, immediately accepted Islam upon seeing the Prophet. However, the majority refused to follow him due to tribal arrogance, just as they had rejected Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him). This double rejection—first of Jesus and then of Muhammad—led to the sealing of their hearts, as mentioned in the Qur'an.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) tried extensively to guide them and treated them with justice, even when they were hostile. Despite their conspiracies, trick questions, and even attempted assassinations, he remained patient and dealt with them fairly. For example, when Je.wish tribes betrayed their agreements with him, he responded proportionally, never punishing those who were innocent or generalizing his actions against all Jews.
The video then shifts to the topic of Dajjal, explaining that Jewish beliefs play a significant role in his emergence. Since they rejected both Jesus and Muhammad, they are still awaiting their promised leader. However, when the Dajjal appears, they will mistakenly follow him, believing him to be their true messiah. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) mentioned that 70,000 Jews from Isfahan (Iran) will follow the Dajjal, wearing distinct garments. Ultimately, Jesus (peace be upon him) will return to defeat the Dajjal, proving once and for all who the true messenger of God is.
The speaker emphasizes that Islamic teachings are not anti-Semitic, as Islam promotes justice and equality for all. He highlights that many Jews have converted to Islam, especially after witnessing recent global events. The message concludes with a reminder that understanding Islam properly prevents misunderstandings and ensures that Muslims can confidently represent their faith without fear or shame.
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