Find out what it's like to travel 653km by train between Perth and the goldfields city of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia on The Prospector.
The Prospector is a modern diesel train (DMU) built in 2004. Travelling daily between the West Australian capital and Kalgoorlie, The Prospector features entertainment screens, a buffet, comfortable seats and beautiful scenery through the Swan Valley and Avon Valley.
The service is operated by TransWA standard gauge WDA/WDB/WDC railcars built by United Goninan in Broadmeadow (Newcastle). The diesel multiple units (DMU) operate in two and three-car arrangements. The sets have a maximum operational speed of 160kmh - as fast as any trains travel in Australia (equal to the V/Line VLocity, NSW XPT and Queensland Tilt Train).
Train fares and timetables available here:
#tripreport #travelbytrain
🚉 Train: The Prospector
🚉 Operator: TransWA
🚉 Locomotives: WDA/WDB/WDC railcars
🚉 Seat: Car 1, Seat 33 (window)
🚉 Route: East Perth - Kalgoorlie
🚉 Distance: 653km
🚉 Travel time: 6 hours 50 minutes (scheduled)
🚉 Class: Economy
🚉 Travel date: 1 November 2021
🚉 Camera: GoPro Hero 10, GoPro Hero 8 and iPhone 12 Pro Max
00:00 Introduction
00:46 Perth station and rail gauges
01:20 East Perth station and route
02:00 The Prospector railcars and station features
02:40 Boarding and departing East Perth
03:59 Bassendean Railway Museum
04:28 Seat tour
05:25 Guildford and Midland
06:07 Timetable
06:22 Crew announcements
07:13 Swan Valley, Darling Range and Drivercam
09:45 Avon Valley and entertainment system
10:20 Toodyay and Lavatory tour
10:50 Northam and Meckering
12:05 Buffet, snack and menu
12:35 Cunderdin to Tammin
13:27 Exploring the interior and Hines Hill
15:12 Merredin and staff changeover
18:12 Departing Merredin and new crew announcement
19:25 Carrabin and lunch
20:40 Salt lakes and freight train
21:20 Koolyanobbing iron ore siding
22:30 Bonnie Vale and arrival announcement
23:18 Final thoughts and rail fares
24:05 Arrival into Kalgoorlie
26:50 Kalgoorlie station and freight trains
28:10 The Super Pit (gold mine)
Image credits:
Passenger Rail Services map by Lencer, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Johnston, JF and White, SR 2018, Understanding the Meckering earthquake: Western Australia, 14 October 1968
Indian Pacific:
DBZ2313 at English Wikipedia, CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons