The Sound Couple head off to a venue they have not worked at before to work a wedding. The ceremony was scheduled to be outside at a different location, but the weather changed that plan. Instead, all activities took place within the same venue! We supported the ceremony, speeches, and finally the reception in which we ran production for the band.
We interfaced with a nice QSC house system, but the untreated room proved to be a worthy competitor of all the gear and talent. In the end, it all worked out and the venue was very pleased with the job we did!
Sit back and "watch" the Sound Couple work as for some reason, neither Bart or Stacy were extremely talkative during this gig!
The Sound Couple primarily use PreSonus gear featuring:
PreSonus UC Surface
PreSonus CDL12
PreSonus CDL18s
PreSonus 32R
PreSonus SW5E
PreSonus NSB Stageboxes
PreSonus AVB-D16
Please see our "About" for a more comprehensive list of gear we use.