Join us on this lore tour as we explore the raider clans of Fallout, including the Nuka World, Forged, Fiends, and Great Khans. Discover the history and stories behind these infamous groups in the Fallout universe!
0:00 Intro
1:10 Raiders of the Commonwealth
2:41 The Forged
3:24 The Trappers
3:55 Nuka World Raiders
5:53 The Pitt Raiders
8:22 Capital Wasteland Raiders
11:55 Appalachian Raiders
16:38 The White Legs
18:00 The Jackals, Vipers and Khans
20:58 The Great Khans
21:32 Powder Gangers
22:00 Westside Raiders
22:10 The Fiends
22:38 Outro
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All music used comes from Epidemic Sound
Stock Imagery and Footage is from Unsplash
Video title: The Raider Clans Of Fallout - Lore Tour
#Fallout #FalloutLore