PLAY WARTHUNDER NOW FOR FREE: By using my link, you can unlock an incredible bonus pack featuring vehicles, boosters, and more! War Thunder is a meticulously detailed vehicle combat game, offering over 2,000 playable tanks, aircraft, and ships that span more than 100 years of development. Dive into dynamic battles that uniquely blend realism and accessibility for an immersive experience like no other. ------ PLAY SWISHCAST CENTRAL [EU] AT: [NOTE: SERVER IS MOST ACTIVE DURING PLAYSESSIONS, SIGN UP IN THE DISCORD] TF2's never been known for it's brilliant matchmaking. Even before the days of meet your match people had often complained about finding that 1 perfect TF2 game. Casual mode, TF2's gateway into games, has restricted players freedom in switching teams and finding good matches. There's no choice, the games chooses for you. Today, we'll go over what makes casual inferior to quickplay, the problem with it's bloated map pool, V-Script community gamemodes and try to provide a solution! Let's together, fix Team Fortress 2! CREDITS: ALTERNATE GAMEMODES SECTION - Edited by: @hyrosteria MY SOLUTION / SWISHCAST SERVER - Edited by: @CashuNutt Server- Set-up and Maintained by: @raspy_on_osu SFM - Mo-Cap Actor: @AzelleTown Music Tracks: @teamfortress Official OST @OpenFortress Official OST Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 3:53 - What Makes A Map Bad? 8:14 - V-Script 10:52 - Sponsor 12:55 - Back 2 V-Script 17:46 - What Maps Need To Go... 24:34 - Alternate Gamemodes 32:07 - What's My Solution? 37:20 - Outro #tf2 #teamfortress2 #fixtf2