#sonic #sonicthehedgehog #soniclostworld
The Sonic series has a tendency to reinvent itself on a consistent basis, with 2013's Sonic Lost World persisting as one of the most bold examples of this routine to this day. The results of experimentation with Sonic's gameplay, art direction, and story writing in Lost World are somewhat incalculable... and with this, I revisit it continuously with nothing but fascination. Join me as we take a critical look into how Sonic Team's efforts transpired into not one of the hedgehog's best adventures, nor one of his worst, but one of his most intriguing to date.
Opening Cinematic & Review Context - 0:00
The Lost Hex - 3:16
The Peaks & Troughs of the Story - 6:42
Game Mechanics Unleashed - 1:03:54
Design Philosophy ~ Lost World VS Colors - 1:26:50
Abstract Wonderworld - 1:38:37
Melodic Bliss - 1:50:38
A Bittersweet Resolve - 2:07:39
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_deadly_sins (Specific articles linked to sections)
Footage Sources
Horayn [Sonic Lost World] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaVrE-gSUZ8QZx6kl62GEFQ
Sonic Central [Sonic CD] https://www.youtube.com/c/SonicCentralLive
Anon7906 [Sonic Colors, Sonic Forces, & Super Mario Galaxy] https://www.youtube.com/c/Anon7906
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