WELCOME BACK TO RIVALS OF AETHER BABY! This was recorded a while back but then a bunch of MultiVersus stuff came out and I was way to distracted by it. This was a very fun session tho so I didn't want it to go to waste so here it is. Thank you Pumpkinteen and Taktaagic for joining me in this session. I might play more Rivals if I'm not to absorbed into the MultiVersus Beta coming out next month.
Pumpkinteen: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyNmFFcmsEAGBcH3Tk92FOA
Taktaagic: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIRYDTfAZcMmi0HrtWyixyA
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Train Rush [A Hat In Time]
Throwback Galaxy [Super Mario Galaxy 2]
Hop's Battle Theme [Pokemon Sword & Shield]
Team Fortress 2 Main Theme Remix [A_A_RonHD]
#rivalsofaether #tf2 #goku