The compilation of every Sonic Speed Reading for the IDW series following the aftermath of the Metal Virus all the way up to issue 50! Following the journeys of new friend, Belle, and the machinations of the infamous Dr. Starline, as well as the beginning of new foes Surge and Kit. Now without the baked in ads so you can enjoy in a seamless, chunky video!
00:00 - Intro
01:05 - Bad Guys
35:08 - Chao Races/Intro of Belle
1:17:01 - Sonic in the Backrooms
2:01:41 - Zeti Hunt
2:27:29 - The Forest Fire
2:46:56 - The Road to 50
3:00:56 - Imposter Syndrome
3:36:56 - Issue 50
4:13:30 - Outro