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Discover in the Rope Bat review case study how this training aid teaches hitters place hitting mechanical drills to consistently drive the ball to the opposite field. Great to teach right handed pull hitters to hit to right field (and opposite for lefties)...
#hittingtips #batreview #hittingdrills #swinganalysis #baseballhitting #fastpitchsoftball #slowpitchsoftball #powerhitting
In this video, I'm going to show you how to take the headache out of barrel path, using a hitter case study. I'll explain the opposite field home run barrel path, the rope bat, and how to use it to hit home runs to the opposite field.
If you're struggling to hit home runs in the opposite field, then this video is for you. After watching this video, you'll understand how to hit home runs in the opposite field like a pro!
Click the following link to get more resources on this AND to grab a 5% OFF coupon code for the Ropebat: