The Sad Story of Prophet Ayyub Who Was Tested With a Terrible Disease, His Wealth Was Lost, His Family Left, Until Finally He Was Returned in Abundance‼️
Prophet Ayyub ‘alaihis salam came from the country of Rum (Romans) and was a descendant of Prophet Ibrahim ‘alaihis salam. His lineage is traced to Ishaq bin Ibrahim Al-Khalil, although there are differences of opinion regarding his complete lineage. Ibn ‘Asakir mentioned that Prophet Ayyub’s mother was the daughter of Prophet Lut ‘alaihis salam. As for his wife, there are two popular opinions: some say that she was Layaa bint Ya’qub, while other opinions call her Rahmah bint Ephraim bin Yusuf bin Ya’qub.
As one of the chosen prophets, Prophet Ayyub is included in the list of prophets mentioned in the Quran. Allah says:
"Indeed, We have revealed to you as We revealed to Noah and the prophets after him, and We revealed (also) to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the descendants of Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron and Solomon. And We gave the Psalms to David." (QS. An-Nisaa': 163)
Prophet Ayyub 'alaihis salam is known as a wealthy man, having abundant wealth in the form of livestock such as cows, camels, goats, horses, and donkeys in unparalleled numbers. His vast land is in the land of Batsniyyah, one of the regions in the Huran region. In addition to having material wealth, Allah also bestowed upon him a large family with many sons and daughters. Despite having everything, Prophet Ayyub remained humble and full of love for others. He was known as a person who was very obedient to Allah, loved to give charity, and always helped the poor, widows, orphans, and travelers who needed help. He was always grateful for every blessing given to him with full faith.
This video contains true stories that have been collected and presented for educational and inspirational purposes. In order to protect privacy, some names, locations, and certain details may have been changed or disguised. In addition, the pictures and videos used in this show are only illustrative and do not always reflect the actual event or individual.
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